1-on-1 Sessions with Heather

  • Sound Healing

    A sound healing session entrains your cells to the vibrations created by a variety of overtone instruments. A session may result in lowering blood pressure and respiration rate and even pain relief in some cases. Most report feeling deeply relaxed and renewed.

  • Shamanic Healing

    A shamanic practitioner works in an altered state of consciousness to communicate with the spirit realm in prayer restores balance and harmony. Heather is a mesa carrier and paq’o of the Andean Shaman tradition and uses her teachings in healing sessions.

  • Despacho Ceremony

    A despacho ceremony is an offering to pachamama and the apus giving thanks for our many blessings. A despacho can be done for many occassions including healing, a new job, marriage, birth of a child, a new home, or even selling a home.

  • Reiki Healing

    Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive hands-on healing modality which promotes healing of the body, mind, and spirit. Heather will begin by scanning your energy field and then will work either on or near the body to encourage the natural flow of reiki energy.

  • Axialtonal Alignment

    An axialtonal alignment is a hands-on session that reconnects your physical and etheric grid lines with the open-ended grid lines of the universe and Pachamama. Walk away feeling clear, balanced and aligned with your true nature.

  • Cord Release Session

    Energy cords are created in all interactions. A cord release session empowers you to take back what is yours and remove the energetic cords keeping you bound to disruptive thoughts/feelings/emotions which ultimately disturb your peace and well-being.

  • Integrative Healing

    Heather will create a customized session by blending multiple modalities depending on your current needs. This may include counseling, reiki, sound, breathwork, or shamanic practices/ceremony.

  • Native American-style Flute Lesson

    Connect with your breath and your heart through the Native American-style flute. This offering is for 1-to1 lessons giving freedom to explore your needs and goals directly.