Cord Release Session

Energy cords are present between people, places and things. We create these cords by our attachment to ideas, beliefs, and emotions. Consider those whom you love and who you wish to see well and at peace. Or friendships/relationships you’ve closed the door on that are still causing you pain. Our connection to these people create energy cords that keep us engaged, consciously and unconsciously. These cords affect us to our core whether we are aware of them or not. They influence our thoughts and emotions by drawing our attention to people, and they may even feed unhealthy patterns.

In a cord release session Heather will guide you through each of your energy centers so you may see, sense or feel the cords that are carrying a dense, heavy feeling. Some cords may be more on the surface while others may be more entangled as they’ve made an impact on our beliefs and have challenged our values. This can be an emotional process as when cords come to the surface, so do the strong feelings associated with the person/relationship. It can be a tiring process, so it’s important the client has a strong support system at home and is in a stable headspace.

A cord release session is not only for relationships that have ended. This session can also be helpful for relationships that carry toxic or dysfunctional patterns. It can be like a reset for the relationship. An ending of old ways, and an opportunity to start anew.

Contact Heather to discuss your particular challenge to see if a cord release session is right for you.

Session length: 2-3 hours

Price: $175