Frequently Asked Questions

How can Reiki help me?

Life energy, or Ki gives us vitality and brings to life our entire being. Ki flows through the energy channels of our body (meridians), as well as through our chakra system. Ki nourishes our physical organs, tissues, and cells. When Ki is flowing freely without disruption, we experience health and wellness. When there are disturbances in the Ki systems, functionality of our systems is diminished, which in turn can lead to illness or dis-ease.

Depending on the area of the blockage, organs or tissues aligned to the blocked are then affected. Over time this can result in any number of physical ailments. During a treatment, Reiki flows to the area intended, or to where it is most needed (remember Reiki is an intelligent energy) clearing the blockages. Simultaneously, Reiki is working on healing the negative thoughts and emotions further ensuring the area doesn’t get blocked again. The Reiki energy charges the area where it is directed, raising the vibratory level causing the negative energy to break apart and fall away.

How can a Sound Session help me?

Each cell, organ and tissue in our body is energy, vibrating at various vibrations and frequencies.  By utilizing a variety of instruments, the tones and vibrations of each instrument go deep within activating the parasympathetic nervous system through entrainment.  In this relaxed state we encourage the mental, emotional and physical bodies to let go and gently release what we may be holding on to that is no longer serving our best and highest good.  In the silence between the sounds, the magic happens.  Our cells can then recalibrate to a place of balance, vibrating at their optimal rate.

Together we will set an intention and a custom soundscape will unfold intuitively as guided by spirit.  Heather will utilize singing bowls, tuning forks, chimes, drums/rattles, Native American-Style flutes, tongue drums, voice and more to bring you to a place of inner stillness.

If you have trouble meditating, a practice of deep listening can be the avenue to inner peace.