In remembrance of all that you are, follow the calling back to the heart.  Bridge the gap between the self and the world around you through the exploration of sacred drumming.  Connect with the rhythm of oneness, empowered by our beloved animal kingdom and our Great Mother.

Join Heather for a sacred ceremonial process of birthing your very own frame drum while connecting with the plants, trees, wildlife, and elementals.  In this 2-day workshop you will have an opportunity to set intentions for your medicine drum, then we will weave the medicine through herbs and prayer in ceremony.  The frames of the drums can be decorated with mantras, and artwork to imbue the loving prayers and intentions set for the medicine of your drum.  We will create our drum mallets with freedom to express your medicine through colored suede, feathers, crystals, beads, wood carving, etc.  There will be a journey to connect to Pachamama, inviting you to connect with the pulse of Mother Earth.  This journey will ingrain in you the power of our beautiful planet and all that she offers us.  There will also be a journey to connect with the spirit animal, calling and enticing the essence of this being to merge heart to heart so you may fully embody its medicine.  There will be a demonstration of how to stretch the hide and lace your drum before being lovingly guided to stretch and lace your own drum.

Medicine Drum Birthing Ceremony

Day 1 Agenda

Smudge and Open Sacred Space

Story Sharing

Hide Introduction

Animal Spirit Journey

Create Sacred water

Gratuitous submerging of hide at sundown


Day 2 Agenda

Smudge and Open Sacred Space

Pachamama Journey

Grandmother frame honoring/blessing

Ceremonial Drum Birthing

Merging of Grandmother and Animal Spirit (stretching/lacing drum)

Drum Feeding Instructions
